Alberto Condotta – Maler

Alberto Condotta, geboren 1987 in Italien, schloss die Kunsthochschule in Venedig 2011 mit dem Master in Malerei ab. Er wird den Kirchenstadel Januar/Februar 2016 belegen. Condotta möchte gerne mit der Bevölkerung und den Schulkindern arbeiten, das Atelier öffnen um mit den Leuten in Kontakt zu kommen, Rückmeldungen zu erhalten. Sein Interesse liegt im Sichtbarmachen der Unterschiede zwischen der Fotografie und der Malerei.

Alberto Condotta was born 1987 in Italy. 2011 he concluded his studies in painting with a Master. He will be staying in the Kirchenstadel in January and February 2016. During his stay Alberto Condotta would like to make contact with the population of Bellwald, work with the school children, open the studio to allow people to come and visit him and would like to have some feedback. He would like to emphasize thedifference between painting and photography.